
July 31st, 2010 | 218 Entries

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218 Entries for “decorated”

  1. As time goes on I continue to shower myself with lies. Beautiful lies. I weave and decorate each one into something I want it to be. I take my time to weave them into my skin hoping they become a version of the truth.

    by Liza on 08.01.2010
  2. one time I decorated my life with dreams and fantasies. and then it all fell apart. I was once a contender. now I’m nothing but dust in the wind. hang on the rope as I used to cling onto love. and in the end, it’s over.

    by Julius Plaesar on 08.01.2010
  3. i’m trying to decided how my room at school should be decorated. why is it so hard to make a decision? why do we decorate things anyways? just to make them look pretty, I guess.

  4. dress

    by Carolyn on 08.01.2010
  5. ornate. highly unnecessary but very fun. something that people do when they’re bored or just trying to look cool. makes complete sense but also none at all.

    by Kyoko on 08.01.2010
  6. I love decorating. My room was blue with white picture frames arranged neatly on the wall. The pictures are of pretty pink things. Which match the carpet next to my blue bed with white bed post.

    by Delba on 08.01.2010
  7. his eyes, my eyes, your eyes. the world that decorates every person. the life we live, decorated by mishaps and new beginnings. the life we live, all just because we decorate our memories by reality. decorated.

    by Ceda on 07.31.2010
  8. this word makes me think of wallpaper. i love old fashioned, victorian looking wallpaper. i also love this site i found an hour ago!!! time is running out, this is so new to me! ahh

  9. the walls i’m sorry. i’m so tired. my eyes are baggy. decorated. decoraed decease, the end.i’m not really sure what i’m writing. my face. decorated my eyes. decorated the life. decorated everything. i’m soooooo tired.

    by Ceda on 07.31.2010
  10. a decorated corneal walks into the room. he looks around at his past, his so called accomplishments. his military victories. those who fell before him. whose blood now stained his hands and his soul. man rewarded him, but death will not be so kind. he knew his fate. the torment his soul would endure.

    by matt on 07.31.2010
  11. I walked into the freshly decorated room. I could still smell fresh paint, see the shine on the walls where it had yet to dry completely. Everything was different, and yet, even decorating leaves things to be a bit the same.

    by Vanessa on 07.31.2010
  12. What lengths people will go to, what money they will spend to make their homes look like plastic melted over a cherub’s diarrhea.

    by Steven on 07.31.2010
  13. A decorated war veteran, back home, having to adjust to this new life, but really the old life, so different from the hell he has experienced for the past year. His honor is signified by the medals he posesses, but those who are not here anymore and have given their life have truly made the ultimate sacrifice.

    by Chris on 07.31.2010
  14. The dark room was decorated with bright colors that seemed to be swallowed up in the depressed atmosphere. “Would you like some wine?” asked a ghostly figure from the back.

    by heidenkind on 07.31.2010
  15. I loved the way I decorated my first apartment. A mismatched collection of things that I liked. The Monet poster on the wall. The stolen throw pillows. The bookshelves. None of it coordinated but it was held together by it’s “me”-ness.
    It all changed when I let someone else in. What was mine was now “ours” though I was still the only one paying rent. I know I made the choice to open and share my home but I somehow felt less proud to bring new people into this space. I have to admit, I miss when it was all mine.

  16. The house was decorated with all the latest fashions and the people inside were too, but no matter how lovely the house appeared the people that lived there were never quite as pretty on the inside as the out.

  17. I like to decorate the house because it makes me feel very cool. Decoration within houses makes a room feel more worthy and comfortable because it has value within our lives. Decoration is a large aspect of who we are and what we are comfortable with having to surround us.

    by Tiffany on 07.31.2010
  18. Every inch was covered, and even some of the cover was cover.
    Poster after poster of shows that she had seen.
    Beautiful photographs of beautiful people with beautiful smiles.
    Her full identity immortalized on a bedroom wall

    by DylDyl on 07.31.2010
  19. I wanted to be a decorated war hero when I was younger. But now only newspapers and the occasional national holiday brings attention to them. We’d rather talk about D-list celebrities than some of our bravest citizens.

    by Jerry Steinbrook on 07.31.2010
  20. She was all fancied up, like a Christmas tree in the wee days before the holiday. On her hung little ornaments and clothes that made her eyes twinkle. She felt pretty, just for one moment. Before she stepped outside the door, she glanced back in the mirror one last time. Before the harsh words of a once-lover crashed her view of herself to the floor.

  21. love awesome intelligent design Pokemon amazing splendid designer illustration correct specific but tapered restricted .

    by andres on 07.31.2010
  22. For every year, they decorated a christmas tree. The lights would flicker, brilliantly bringing out the warm colors that decorated the small house. And that small tree would bring happiness to the family that sat with empty smiles, lying to the world through clenched teeth that they were happy. Even though their hearts ached.

  23. John walked into the newly decorated room and stopped. Turning around slowly he shook his head as he whistled softly. “What a job you’ve done here!”

    Sara smiled. She had expected no less, but loved the look on his face anyway.

    “No, I mean it! Where did you find all this retro stuff so fast? It’s incredible!”

    “Well, I got lucky with some of it really…” Sara sauntered over to the new rollo-desk and causually lifted the lid so John could see inside.

  24. decorate the dank dark dwelling of dwindling dwarves down, down, down deep in the dark places.

    by trevor on 07.31.2010
  25. Far across the sea, a ship sailed into the harbor bearing many flags from the many places she had been. But nothing compared to the trip she was about to embark on…

  26. I decorated my bedroom the other day it is decorated with a glossy black paint several dragon sculptures and a few posters of wolves and other animals. Decorating is a stressful ordeal at times but can also be relaxing in the right circumstances.

    by Mike on 07.31.2010
  27. It was decorated, as if it were a holiday or something. I resented this; they would force me to do it, saying it would “help.” That I’d walk away with a good feeling.
    It did nothing for me.

  28. The soldier returned from the Middle East. After all the damage that he had seen, he had certainly earned all that America had to give him. Although, it would never erase the images in his mind.

    by Libby on 07.31.2010
  29. decorated the bedroom with stuff
    decorated the restroom with paint
    decorated something else with someone else
    maybe we should stop decorating the world
    and just decorate our bedrooms with each other?

    by Godozo on 07.31.2010
  30. She was like a fine diamond, her beauty alluring more so because she exuded innocence.
    He was captivated by her and what she was, she was just like simply decorated shop.
    It magic relying more on it’s charm that it had hidden than the outside appearance.

    by on 07.31.2010
  31. I redecorated my room for my boyfriend to visit. I haven’t seen him in three months, and he has never seen my bedroom before. i figured the least he could do was compliment it. I even went out and bought a fifty dollar new sheet set. And what do I get? Absolutely nothing. I really do hope he liked it.

    by Sarah Carter on 07.31.2010
  32. My apartment is decorated exactly the way I like it. This is the first time in my life that I have lived alone and not had to answer to anyone. Free to choose to live how I want to live, and surround myself with the objects and colours that I enjoy the most. It’s liberating.

    by Kristi on 07.31.2010
  33. i decorated my room with stuff i found in my house. i want to change my room again, im so indecisive, i can’t decide. im so bored and i dont know why im writing this, im not supposed to be here, i wish i was in the party with him and my friends.. but

    by ashley on 07.31.2010
  34. What was decorated is now just a sad hull of lost emotion. A wisp of drab decorum in a washed out grayscape of a souless mindscape. It always ends in gothic emo, doesnt it?

    by shiraz on 07.31.2010
  35. His shoulders and chest were decorated with all the fine spindles and pins and patches. But he had nothing to show for it. No humor or love or life left. It was as if each award scraped a little bit more of his humanity off to fit and make room.

    by meth. on 07.31.2010
  36. We decorated where we felt. It wasn’t much, but it held sentiment. We liked it, even if others didn’t. It was us. That’s why it hurt all the much more when we watched it covered in flames that one starry night.

    by Marie on 07.31.2010
  37. The line on the floor marked a line between the two halves of the room. One was for Annie, whose side was decorated with fine art pieces upon the cream-coloured shelves, while her brother John’s was dirty, shabby, and lacking in any sort of decoration.

  38. He was highly decorated. Not a single spot on his waistcoat was bare; if it wasn’t marked with a necessary button, it held a medal, a ribbon, or patch indicating his past achievements and sacrifices.

  39. My mom redecorated my room today. She said everything was dark and depressing. She got me new bright colored sheets and she painted my room green. Yeah. Green..

  40. The soldiers casket was brought forth; the lid open to reveal his brightly decorated uniform, his eyes closed for an eternity.