
November 5th, 2023 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “dance”

  1. The spinning and twirling- oh, it was magnificent! A joyous rush of colours, sound, and movement. If this was what it was to dance, then she wanted to dance forever.
    No single partner claimed her attention- she swirled like a leaf on the stream, working through the mass of ecstasy with abandon.

  2. me in my head all the time
    my body is awkward and my arms and legs don’t work together. I can’t believe at one point in my life I did ballet, tap and jazz. I’m so out of practice,
    just with moving, with expressing myself, with pulling thoughts out of the damp dingy inside of my head into the light and the fresh air to breathe

  3. She danced to Paul Simon and I died a little inside, knowing that this moment could never be replicated. Tomorrow would arrive and all I’d have left of it is the memory of a joy so pure that I never wanted to recall it too often, for fear that we would become obscured.

  4. The dance was in the backyard of one of the women she knew. Because of the neighborhood, they couldn’t have loud music due to some elderly members, but also they couldn’t have music at all due to some people’s religious beliefs. So they made up their own music in their minds and danced under the stars.

    by Chanpheng on 11.05.2023