
August 7th, 2010 | 147 Entries

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147 Entries for “created”

  1. “I created you,” she said, smoked a cigarette (exhaled smoke from her nose like the angry bull from cartoons from childhood from-) “from ash and tears and clay,” and she watched, bored, the tip of the cigarette as it burned red. she smirked, her eyes lifted to my face, a great effort and it was then that I noticed she was crying. ” And yet you hate me, all of my children hate me.” A heart beat creaking.

    “And fuck if I don’t hate you too.”

    by on 08.07.2010
  2. It wasn’t that she was unhappy with it. It was that it hadn’t at all turned out the way she’d intended. Those little craggy bits for instance- they were far too snowy. And the green stuff- where had that come from? She had meant for it to simply be the blue cold wet stuff in which she could float her small amusements.

    by Brit on 08.07.2010
  3. Were we all created? I don’t know…who were we created by?

    I was taught that we were created by “God”…but could it be something else?

    Could we have been created by…ourselves? Our minds?

    by Aimi on 08.07.2010
  4. it wasn’t there, but we created it through out thoughts and our minds. And the flurry of activity created a storm that became a hurricane and swept away the dreams of the dead, fossilizing them until they were dug up and glorified as examples of what happened to you if you created what you dared to dream.

  5. You created me.
    And now..
    You’re destroying me.

  6. The past tense of ‘create’. This word means that something has been made from either nothing or an assortment of parts. If capitalized, it refers to the theory of Creationism.

    by Regianld Waterbottom on 08.07.2010
  7. The world was created in 8 days, in 8 billion years we will destroy it

    by Robyn Janes on 08.07.2010
  8. When God created earth, he must have forgotten the part about not making the planet able to kill anything and everything on it, for no reason. Good job, God.
    -Disgruntled customer

    by Rachel on 08.07.2010
  9. Imagine. My girlfriend, who is made in my mind, though real as blood, her traits are imagined. Love, being manifested in a new way to tell everyone that its okay to be different. Created into a new method to justify life. Love, manifested as a lie.

  10. They created a lie, an entire story to tell us.
    They created our feelings towards this story.
    But then they tore it down and we were left speechless.
    How do you feel when you’ve felt feelings for something false?

  11. They were moulded, they were shaped, they were created. They were a whole being. Then they were separated and cast into different parts of the world, their task: to find eachother and become whole again.

  12. I created some strange drawings today, but I don’t feel that they are exactly “creative”. If what I draw defines who I am, it’s rather unoriginal.

    by kim on 08.07.2010
  13. Created and then destroyed. Isn’t that how the earth works? I think it is. Does that mean things are created for the sole purpose of destruction? Maybe. but I dont think this negates the act of creating. We should still create!

    by Laurel Long on 08.07.2010
  14. God created man they say, but I think man created God.
    We create many things, the world we imagine and the world we would like to live in.
    Sadly, we also let others create reality for us…(such as Fox News) even though their reality is nothing but the creation of a mind with an agenda, which is why we are now a polarized nation

    by June on 08.07.2010
  15. “That reflex, that innate protective instinct, is simply how we were created.”

    I almost twitched. Anything relating to religious beliefs or creationism, especially in the setting of scientific inquiry, bothers intensely.

  16. i created me. i was given all the traits and qualiteies i have but i am creating me by using them in my life. by taking leaps of faith and trying new things. by asking questions and being open minded. i am ALIVE. :)

    by on 08.07.2010
  17. I have created a stressful situation. I have put off everything that I knew I had to do. I manufactured excuses. It’s time to undo it all.

  18. the creator created, painting and shaping and building. something from nothing. out of the clay came a sculpture like none other ever made.

  19. we were born to create. god created us so we could create a worldly sanctuary for our posterity to live in. look at how far we’ve come.

  20. I create my own imagination. “I make the imagined real” says comic artist Alex Ross. It reminds me of a plot device in a comic book called Final Crisis which is called the miracle machine

    by Jason on 08.07.2010
  21. I was created so very long ago that the days of my youth have become hazy and dim. I no longer remember my creators’ faces, or the sounds of the music they played as they danced in the dark, humid, summer heat.

    by stainedcreative on 08.07.2010
  22. Created is as if two people have just fornicated for the first time in awhile. they maybe be creating love , friendship, donkey sex themes, or maybe were just really bored. Nevertheless it may have opened a realm of futuristic or even maniacal beginnings of a beautiful awkward friendship.

    by David on 08.07.2010
  23. What have we created my dear…art, beauty, love or some form of a monster that will destroy me, you and him…what have we created with our inside looks and tender touches in hidden moments…a song, that is as happy as it is sad.

  24. I created something beautiful today
    a monster (in a way)
    lipstick smeared across my cheek
    (I was scared-
    of myself)
    Mascara thick and black
    something like a beauty queen
    wrecked and tossed around
    thrown out the door.
    I created something beautiful today
    can’t find my makeup remover.
    Can’t seem to get rid of it.

  25. the little girl had an imagination so vast it could create so many worlds in just one day. once many years ago she had found this old deserted house. she entered and there found her imagination alive, her worlds filled the house with dragons soaring high above it faireis skipping in and around the sun beams. goblins though were a pest and she had to always tell them off for being so naughty.

  26. Everything was just black. No lights, laughter, sun or animals. Everything was nothing. Nothing was yet created.

    by Corey Backman on 08.07.2010
  27. i just created this passage to talk about the word created. this is a very interesting word. the past tense of create. just like, i just created this passage.

    by jeremy on 08.07.2010
  28. I created something with a man that said he loved me. Not a physical creation, but a creation of the heart. together we created a bond of love.

  29. We are all created equal in the eyes of God, if you believe in such a thing. Though sadly this makes little difference since we are not at all equal in each other’s eyes.

    by Nate on 08.07.2010
  30. when god created this universe, i am sure he did not mean to put so many idiosyncrasies in our minds, but we developed those through the generations by our survival mechanisms.

    by ak on 08.07.2010
  31. He created an undescribable artwork of such magnificence the art world went ecstatic.

  32. One day I will have created the perfect story, the story of my life. And then I will be able to sit back and relax.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 08.07.2010
  33. And God created man. She sat pondering that statement in the Book of Books. He/she/it created man. What does that mean? In whose image? And what about Lilith?

    by EmEm on 08.07.2010
  34. We created this from nothing. From a few words, we created this intricate relationship. From hours talking every night, we’ve created this thing, this…existence that I cannot live without. We’ve created this from nothing; and I’m so glad we did.

  35. The wedding was supposed to go off without a hitch. Agnes had created the flower arrangements, the corsages, the boutonnieres, and the rancid chum buckets …. but somehow people in the Grand Ballroom of the Ritz Carlton could not stop vomiting.

  36. If i was created in your image, why do i feel so uncomfortable in my own skin? Is it because somehow, somewhere, deep inside of me, i know i’m not and never will be what i was made to be? Perfect?

  37. Creativ soll ich sein. Alles loslassen, alles kommen lassen, alles wegschwimmen lassen, was wegschwimmen will. Mich auf den Moment konzentrieren. Worte kommen lassen, auch wenn sie sinnlos sind, wenn sie nur ein Hulu versteht oder ein Kroate, hauptsache kreativ …

    by EliEli on 08.07.2010
  38. You created who I am now. You picked up the crumbling pieces of my past, sorting them into workable piles. You molded me into a distorted mess; nobody daring to look at me. I weep; sob at what you’ve done, knowing it defines me. 

  39. There is a place in the next room where she kept a small box. Out of this box she would remove things which she used to make art. One of the things I remembered best was a small statue of a dog, created out of pipe cleaners.

  40. we are created and creating and creative. this. i never knew my body could be so powerful. the cliches are true. i will sing ‘i love you’ from the top of roof tops in the rain. look at what we have created.

    by kels on 08.07.2010