
September 23rd, 2011 | 377 Entries

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377 Entries for “convinced”

  1. its something people try to be about their beliefs, it doesn’t generally happen to me though. it’s someone else believing what you know to be truth after you showed them.

  2. I am convinced that Berlin is the place for me. It is a mecca of creativity and energy with a positive and daring view of the future. To me, Berlin is the center of the universe as I experience it. I am convinced of this.

  3. i have never been more surely convinced of something as i am today, and now i cannot seem to focus on anything else. it is stuck in my head, peeling away layers of brain tissue and pleading the truth.

  4. i made that man doubt himself after speaking to him in that manner. he couldn’t believe he was so ignorant before i came along, i smiled and told him he was easily convinced to the other side.

  5. Convinced means you are sure about to do something, perhaps you got an order. It also means you are convinced about your own right.

  6. i was convinced by his sweet words. sigh! i thought he was for real. i should have known better. i was deceived again!

  7. My fever has left me delusional. I am convinced there is a gingerbread man hiding in my closet that is waiting to step through the mirror into this world to eat me.

  8. i’m so gonna trust you.

  9. I’m convinced that I will forever be alone. I’m scared that I’m the reason no one stays for very long. When I was younger I was convinced that love was all I needed, but what if I can’t find love? What if I’m the reason love doesn’t exist for me. Yes. I’m convinced it’s all my fault.

  10. is to get someone to do what you want them to do or they are conviced to your lie or just convinced to a slogan prouduct anything.

  11. You had me convinced. Not once, but twice. I thought I had grown out of foolishness.

  12. I’m convinced that no matter how hard I try I will always be alone. I’m scared. I’m worried. I’ve been hurt and because of that, I’m afraid that everyone I come in contact with is going to be a big bad wolf and try to hurt me. I’m convinced I’m worthless. I don’t know what to do. I’m truly convinced that all human beings are evil. Will I ever find someone who wont hurt me? Maybe it’s just me. Yes. I’m convinced it’s just me.

  13. I am convinced that being in love is the most important thing in the world.

  14. Sometimes I think that the world is lost; but then something wonderful happens – the sky lightens, people decide to “pay it forward” and it’s magical. Why can’t be we be better to others? Selfishness is evil and I’m convinced that the population of the world, as a whole, is a good thing.

  15. I have never felt absolutely sure about anything in my life, besides the love I have felt for about 4 years. I’m convinced it is the love of my life. I can’t say that I’m convinced about anything else.

  16. change my opinion, convinced me to go on that super scary roller-coaster where i broke all my bones and lost my voice

  17. I’m convinced that sleeping late into the day is a complete waste of what can be the most productive part of life. No sounds around, no one moving and disturbing. No one awake and talking. Only dogs wanting to go out then falling back to sleep quite soon after. Mornings are for the productive.

    Moira Reid
  18. She was convinced he was gone, The broken glass on the floor, the mussed up bed sheets, the footprints trailing out the door. She took one step to the kitchen table, and there her head slumped into tears and wails. He was finally gone. “Thank the heavens,”, she thought.

  19. I can’t believe she talked me into it.

  20. i’m never really convinced about something until i see it for myself. i know, you hear rumours and everything and i might be influenced by them, but never really convinced. or so i’d like to think. i’m not really convinced about anything anymore. i mean, how can you truly be sure you’ve convinced someone? like, truly.

  21. I am convinced that I am doing this cause I am bored. If I was not such a huge procrastinator I would be doing the dishes or even going to sleep, instead I am trying to convince myself that this is fun, or in some way expanding my knowledge. Usually I don’t do things like this but I am starting to be convinced that it helps me with my writing skills which ultimately is what I would like to do with my life.

  22. i am unconvinced that nothing will get better, i want to be convinced that one day everything will be peaceful and i will no longer struggle with complex issues about forever, never, and what is indefinable.

    sophie ryan
  23. persuaded to do, convinced that something is true.

    “You have not convinced a man because you have silenced him.” Pointing finger. Poster in my room as a teenager.

    convinced/convicted. French students confused these.

    Cheryl Caesar
  24. i am convinced that this shall break my heart
    that this whole affair shall tear me apart
    and i shall never hear my soul sing again.

  25. He might have been able to convince her, once, that his motives were only pure. But it had been a long time since she’d been able to believe anyone, and most assuredly since she’d believed in anything pure. His carefree smile was hard to ignore, though, and his sunblue eyes held only a bright sort of innocence that broke her heart to ignore.

  26. I am convinced I’ll never make it. As further I sink into the deep abyss I feel I will never rebound from the bottom. But regardless the fear of the darkness, the cosiness it provokes is almost unsettling. A beam of light is unneccesary. I feel at home now. I am safe.

  27. I convinced my mom to feed me lunch. And she convinced me to help her cook it.

  28. Oh my God, I can’t believe I let him convince me. What happened to dignity? What happened to the feminine spirit being the ultimate say-all? Well, at least it was fun. At least nothing truly unforgivable happened. We all do only get the chance to live once, right?

  29. He convinced me. I don’t know how, but he did. It wasn’t something I would normally do, but he just had a way with his words, and his hands. So now here I am. On a bridge. About to jump. The cars speed by, just as my life, and I jump.

    TJ Darcy
  30. I’m convinced you’re just as confused as I am.
    I’m convinced nothing is ever going to get better.
    I’m convinced I’m going to be stuck in this shit hole forever.
    I’m convinced you don’t love me.
    I’m convinced everything was just a lie.
    I’m convinced I don’t even know myself anymore.

  31. “I’m not entirely convinced,” he said. He thought about her words and how meaningless they had become. When will he ever feel right? When will this blue ball ever make sense?

  32. I don’t know. I mean, gee. Well, okay. If you put it that way. But, still. I’m not so sure. Did you see that thing on TV? Yeah, well, it said something altogether different. Well, I don’t believe everything on TV either. Yeah, yeah. Okay, whatever. See you later. Okay, see you then.

    Janey Smith
  33. I’m absolutely convinced that this is not where I’m meant to be right now, I must be behind schedule dammit.

  34. She sat there staring at me with those mournfull eyes.

    “Please,” she whispered. “let me go”

    I coulden’t say anything. I wasn’t alowed to do what she had asked for, but i couldn’t escape those brown soulful eyes that stared at me.


    She’s gone.

  35. i’m convinced that i act like a stalker. at least in some people’s eyes. my brother has been gone for so long now but im still convinced he feeds off my success which is awesome. maybe i feed it to him

  36. I am convinced that life gives what u deserve. You ultimately get what you really wanted to for your life. So why worry, take life as it comes. Pretty simple isn’t it.

  37. i was convinced because she told like that, i was a person who can convince every one. but now i am convinced.

  38. I am convinced that college is a bad idea. nothing good will ever come of it. thats the only thing im convinced of in life. maybe im wrong. i dont know. how will anyone ever know really. nothing is certain. right? maybe…

    Devon Lockhart
  39. its just a scratchy nib stuck on a soft wooden holder but it’s the pen with which WBY scratched out the first drafts of his magical poems. His teethmarks are faithfully preserved in the piece of wood. Women are
    its biggest threat. They want to sink their teeth…

    jack maye
  40. He was convinced I had done it. He just wouldn’t listen to reason at that point. All I could do was stare, just stand there and watch as he grabbed my sister by the arm, eyes still locked on me, glaring; I screamed as loud as I could, hoping my intensity would strike him as a sign of honesty…
