
February 3rd, 2021 | 10 Entries

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10 Entries for “confirmation”

  1. Confirmation give ,e anxiety but insaw a boy getting buLide and I knew I had to step in I told r
    The bullie off and the boy thanked me

    by Halley on 02.05.2021
  2. Absolute proof of voter fraud by Mike Lindell to be watched by all people who are concerned opt out our present economy and wellbeing as well as our freedoms.

    by Marie on 02.05.2021
  3. I need to seek confirmation from myself not others in order to enjoy life and find myself being true to myself.

    by Christine OMalley on 02.05.2021
  4. Sometimes life is based on others validation, but why are you looking for others opinions? If you live life by the confirmation of someone else is that really your own life? You are living by someone else’s standards. Don’t worry too much about your actions. Do what makes you and you body happy, live your life for you.

    by Matya on 02.05.2021
  5. Confirmed in my believes and thoughts, actions and non actions by His spirit. A knowing of the path I’m walking, I’m not walking alone.

    by Susan M on 02.05.2021
  6. i wish to have your expression of confirmation that you accept me fully ,deeply and completely ,without any conditions.

    by rita on 02.04.2021
  7. I excitingly walked to my mail box. Did I get in? Was everything I have done throughout the years worth it? My whole body was shaking with excitement. I turned the key into the lock and slowly turned it open. My hands fumbled in the box looking for the letter, the letter that was going to decide my fate, the confirmation I needed to continue on the path I wanted to go.

    by Hanna Hofmann on 02.04.2021
  8. comfirmation is smwthing that is used at approval for stuff like papers or school work or wjen ypu ask a teacher to do something and she has tk

    by liliana danilchuk on 02.04.2021
  9. I excitingly walked to my mail box. Did I get in? Was everything I have done throughout the years worth it? My whole body was shaking with excitement. I turned the key into the lock and slowly turned it open. My hands fumbled in the box looking for the letter, the letter that was going to decide my fate.

    by Hanna Hofmann on 02.04.2021
  10. Confirmation is an important thing we all are looking for within anything. For me, its dance. I am always looking for someone to tell me that I am doing okay, or doing my best. We all want this from someone, so cases could be our boss, a teacher, as parent or a friend? Could be anyone.

    by Kylee on 02.04.2021