
May 2nd, 2023 | 12 Entries

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12 Entries for “cognition”

  1. How to say this? He just knew things, could look straight at you and know that you were at your end, no matter how hard you smiled, and he’d hand you a steaming cup and just sit with you for awhile.

  2. thinking or unable to think clearly
    describes me on a normal day, but maybe not today so much

    by Sam on 05.02.2023
  3. I remember attending a lecture on the cognitive revolution, marveling at the potential of AI and the evolution of human thought. Then, halfway through, I realized I was in the wrong room and had missed my actual class.

  4. During a chess match, Rebecca’s cognition was a force to be reckoned with. Each strategic move revealed the depth of her analytical prowess, a testament to the power of the human mind. I was sad to hear that she got disqualified for steroid use. I don’t get it for chess really, but yeah, what a drag.

  5. makes me think of the word “grok.” which makes me think of a caveman. i wonder if there were ever any non-binary cavepeople that were all, like, ummmm… excuse me… it’s “cave PERSON”

    by mellowtonin on 05.02.2023
  6. In the realm of artificial intelligence, the quest to replicate human cognition is the holy grail. The potential to create a new form of consciousness that can learn and grow like us. And then kill us. #worthit

  7. As I grow older the less I understand. I thought it was gonna be the other way around. Don’t get me wrong—life is good. And almost better because of this. Having cognition that I don’t have nearly the amount of cognition I thought, or at least acted like I had, is a blessing. I’m at the whim of life, and I no longer take anyone’s word for anything. I probably don’t even know what the word means.

  8. As a child, I was fascinated by puzzles, the challenge of understanding their intricate patterns. It was my first foray into the world of cognition, a love affair that would define my life’s path.

  9. One of the key factors of sentience is the ability to recognize things. Going beyond that is what makes us human and an important aspect of our humanity.

    by Scylus on 05.02.2023
  10. I recognize that I was in love with Brannon Rose then.

    by Matt on 05.02.2023
  11. I hate arguing with her. She makes an assumption and puts on her blinders so that is all she can see. I wonder if she struggles with the cognition of what i am trying to explain, or if she even cares for the truth.

    by cat on 05.02.2023
  12. I don’t really know what cognition is.
    Maybe the dictionary will. What would I know?!
    But, one thing i DO know, is that this is my diary. And all the words I DO know will be written in here.

    by Ava on 05.02.2023