
January 18th, 2010 | 215 Entries

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215 Entries for “clipboard”

  1. beige
    clip things on it
    to do lists
    parking tickets
    concert tickets

    by mimi on 01.19.2010
  2. paper, helpful, hard, school, hold, learn, use, work, useful, tool, noun, object,

    by seren on 01.19.2010
  3. I hate clipboards. My gym teacher in junior high would walk around with one, snapping her gum, and sizing all of us up. She’d make notes as we ran, sweated, jumped through her exercises.

    by reba on 01.19.2010
  4. What lay on that board is either the end of this life or the beginning of the next. Will I be sentenced forever or given another chance. I didn’t mean it, it’s complicated, it was an accident.

    by Kayla on 01.19.2010
  5. A board of clippings or a place to clip your papers to? Who can tell. I have nothing much to say about clipboards, other than they might make useful weapons during Zombiegeddon — if wielded appropriately. They might break, so have a back up weapon ready.

    by Meg on 01.19.2010
  6. HA! I think I may be the only person at the age of 26 that has a clipboard. In fact, I have two of them.

    No, I’m not a teacher, not an administrative assistant. Just a raging 26-year-old who sometimes like to write love letters on a hard particleboard clipboard.

    by cosmiclay on 01.19.2010
  7. I took the clipboard out and placed tiny graphite checks on the paper with small swift strokes of the extremely sharp pencil…i was thrilled! no one had ever passed this test with such amazing results–this person was really unbelievably wonderful! finally to have someone that could fit the bill and answer all the questions we had was simply mind blowing!

    by alex on 01.19.2010
  8. I walked down the hall, juggling a clipboard, a cup of coffee and my purse, I was late for a meeting once again, and I knew I’d be yelled at for it.

    by Merenwen on 01.19.2010
  9. my soccer coach from elementary school used to carry around a dry-erase clipboard. i was afraid that he would smudge his diagrams on himself when he held the clipboard against his chest. this made it hard for me to focus on whatever he was actually saying at the time.

    by joanna on 01.19.2010
  10. hard surface

    by on 01.19.2010
  11. i pulled out my clipboard to record the results of the poll. there was a huge voter turnout! it was going to be too close to call, but i recorded results on my clipboard.

    by jlove on 01.19.2010
  12. clipboards remind me of my childhood. I don’t really know why. I just remember dad always had a clipboard around. When he was working on the house, or coaching zaks baseball practices. I used to love drawing on them. I loved the smell of them too.

    by cayla on 01.19.2010
  13. eggs and eggs and plates of eggs but they aren’t plates they’re clipboards! so i unclip the eggs and they fall down the well and my cat jumps after them and i scream” nooooo, artimus!!!!” but he doesn’t speak english.

    by bailey on 01.19.2010
  14. A place to put various things whether on computer or in your hand. Write on it or Use it to swat away

    by DC on 01.19.2010
  15. i looked down at the clipboard and realied fuck today uis the day..the final moment before it all ends.. the clipboard doesnt lie they told me..

    by steven on 01.19.2010
  16. I flung the clipboard at my boss’s face much faster than intended. I realized as it left my hand that it was going to seriously hurt her. There was nothing in the world that I could do to make it stop.

    by Brian on 01.19.2010
  17. this is something that can be used to hold papers down, for example recipies, and I think I’ll go make myself lunch now.

    by reya on 01.19.2010
  18. Jeff, stared back at the shop steward with apprehension as the elder man scanned his clipboard with a rheumy eye. “Yeah, you’re name’s on the list,” he said laconically.” Jeff almost fainted from releif, he couldn’t afford to lose his job now a new baby was on the way.

    by Wildewood on 01.19.2010
  19. What are the kinds of things I’d put on a clipboard? A schedule for my way out of this existence? A temporary sign to tell someone what I think about them?

    Clips of the universey?

    by on 01.19.2010
  20. Meow. that is what i had written on the clipboard provided by the company, no notes on the presentation what-so-ever. although we were meant to.

    by doug on 01.19.2010
  21. My first day at piman stardet at 10:40pm . I was alitel nerves put then i gott comderbole and i was fililing bether and was having fun in class

    by Roman on 01.19.2010
  22. i work alot in my jop cat dog hat run i do alot of stuff go out have fun and party to my home work see my family from california im from oreange county and im 19 years old so thats a lil bet of my life

    by francisco fierrro on 01.19.2010
  23. when i used to work at the mine i always would have to check things on a to do list and it was attached to a clip board it was very annoying at times because it had to be done 3 times a day and to tote that thing around really bothered me because it was just in the way

    by rm on 01.19.2010
  24. the clip board is used to write something when you have nothing to write on. its used in work school outside and inside.

    by joel on 01.19.2010
  25. clipboards are used for work, school
    they hold your papers
    usefull to write on

    by pg on 01.19.2010
  26. clipboard is soft but hard ita made of a shape.werid looking but usefull.

    by yaya on 01.19.2010
  27. coaches need them they are very useful tobe organised

    by ac on 01.19.2010
  28. the clipboard is so dirty and filthy i dont know if i wanna touch it it smells like trash and fetise carcus i can hardly write quick enough bout a clipbard but

    by andwhat on 01.19.2010
  29. work list of things to do…tiring, square, monotonous, when do I get a break from my clipboard. Is a clipboard a weapon.

    by mm on 01.19.2010
  30. worknotes

    by abe on 01.19.2010
  31. work help hold paper writing dr appt.

    by on 01.19.2010
  32. we work, i like it , words , help learn explains sentences, teachers

    by Deeniz on 01.19.2010
  33. boring silly clip board plane useless

    by ac on 01.19.2010
  34. wow really i got a fricken clipboard this is so dumb why didnt i get a good word like umm gold or something cool like thunder well it could of been worse

    by chaos on 01.19.2010
  35. a device used to hold papers together

    by on 01.19.2010
  36. clipboard is an object used to help put paper in place. The clipboard is a good invention that helps us hold paper in place. I enjoy the clip board.

    by chan on 01.19.2010
  37. Its a thing to maintain one’s paper stock.

    by m on 01.19.2010
  38. wooden with a metal piece at the top. it’s helpful when taking notes. makes me think of lots of stickers and writing on the back of it. clap! helpful when taking a survey or quiz on campus.

    by Stephanie on 01.19.2010
  39. A clipboard is a fabulous invention, designed in the year 1964 with an intelligent clip features mainly used to trap people’s noses. The World couldn’t do without the clipboard as otherwise people’s noses would still all be straight and the beauty of Darwinisn would not be evolving the race quite so intelligently.

    by Clippy on 01.19.2010
  40. A worn down, yellow, Ticonderoga pencil rhythmically taps against my gym teacher’s wooden clipboard. Sweat dripping down my blushed face, I continue with the sit-ups that are assigned. I don’t know what he’s writing, I don’t know if or how he is judging my cruches, but his pacing makes the process no less intimidating.

    by Stephanie on 01.19.2010