
October 4th, 2009 | 543 Entries

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543 Entries for “chase”

  1. is what ive been doing to you. i dont know why it seems like its all i know. not really sure what the underlying cause of it is, but i realize thats whats happening. i will chase you forever i feel like, maybe the fact that i cannot have you has something to do with it. but who knows. i love you.

    by jason on 10.04.2009
  2. this is the name of a guy i knew from elementary school. i like to chase people. guys used to chase the girls in kindergarten. chase is a bank and i dont go to it, but trhats okay. i think my friend jenna goes to chase bank. chasing is something usually percieved as scary and horrible and it usually haunts people in their dream.

    by bethany on 10.04.2009
  3. chase me dwn the street wearing nothing but your underwear. Chase is the character from house ho is somethign like australian. chase is what makes life fun, althoug it needs to conclude somewhere, if it doesnt then its not worth anything

    by ss on 10.04.2009
  4. rabbit

    by bela on 10.04.2009
  5. i chased the cat everywhere.

    by kat on 10.04.2009
  6. I chase dreams. Dreams chase me. Nothing changes but the dream itself. I need to find that one dream worth catching and chase it til the end.

    by Danny, on 10.04.2009
  7. Phillip, Phillip Chase. Why is it that I can only think of him? I could be thinking of the lovely blond boy with his hair to the side…Running away as he struggles to pull his pants back up after quickly shagging the flight attendant. Then thinking of him makes me think of the other guy. The man who had the same hair cut, the same blond hair. Only this guy had a slightly more muscular body while the other remained pale skin and bones…But they both have such lovely faces. What does Phillip Chase look like? Don’t know, never imagined him. Blond, I suppose.

    by Loser on 10.04.2009
  8. Running fastly through the night most people would have stopped and tripped, but not this girl, she was a pro. One of the best runners to have ever lived however she was not, at all confident in her talents and because of that she stumbled during the chase, falling and closing the chase. – jB

    by Chase on 10.04.2009
  9. hi

    by on 10.04.2009
  10. The chase is on. I don’t know what to expect. Do I turn around? I’m running in heels. Sweat breaks down my forehead. My heel gets stuck in a crack. Oh shit, what do I do? I must keep going. They’ll catch me if I don’t. Who knows why? It’s a mad dash at Victoria’s Secret semi-annual sale. If I don’t reach the awesome padded bras first, they’ll get the boobs first!

    by E on 10.04.2009
  11. I chased the bird down the aisle, but it was way too fast. The dog is too fast for me to chase, too. Chasing cars is not very fun unless you are a dog. Chasing cats is no good, but chasing birds might be fun. Chase is a pretty cool name, dawg.

    by on 10.04.2009
  12. I knew it was futile…that I would chase her, but never get her. But something inside me told me I needed to try. Sure she was out of my league…much smarter, better looking, funnier, kinder. Sometimes miracles happen. Maybe it would happen for me.

    by cray on 10.04.2009
  13. trees, bushes, skies and leaves,
    falling on his face,
    screaming for him,
    so he would come back
    but he wouldn’t
    he had to run
    or else
    he would be dead.

    A chase.

    by jennysweetie on 10.04.2009
  14. Chase! Stop the car!
    Run baby run..faster, faster, faster!!
    Almost there…aaarrrggghhh!
    Look out!
    He’s got a gun!!
    Bang! Bang! Bang!

    by Sowmiya on 10.04.2009
  15. What the hell is a chase? My school-english is not so good, that I can translate it. So I have really no chance. What a pity *g*

    by on 10.04.2009
  16. fwohaofishdfoiawfoahwofasdfhoiwhsoaidhfwahfoiashfowehoipfashofihwoifo you stole our idea you fuckers fhwoeruawosdoifoiwheafew

    by on 10.04.2009
  17. I didn’t want to follow him but I reckon what I wanted wasn’t a priority. That much was clear. So I chased him out the door when he turned on me, and I followed him into the garden and I wanted to tackle him down, but instead I grabbed hold of the back of his coat and he whirled toward me and I wrapped myself around him and held him to me, pulling him inside of me. “Don’t go,” I requested (not begged), and he nodded and carried me back inside.

    by amanda on 10.04.2009
  18. I chase a dream as I’d chase my lover into the infinite beyond…as I leap from the physical restrains of passion into forever lasting love.

    by David on 10.04.2009
  19. i chase myself in my dreams chasing myself in my mind chasing myself in my heart chasing myself in my soul chasing myself.

    the end result… my shadow got it.

    by d.s. on 10.04.2009
  20. running to find something stop coming here! i won’t look for anything ever again. anxiety fills lungs and stops the screams from coming out and taking you away from me. i dont want to go. i want to go. one foot

    by molly alice on 10.04.2009
  21. today i ran along the wharf and no one was chase-ing me.

    by Lizette Grigio on 10.04.2009
  22. me

    by on 10.04.2009
  23. i feel like i am being chased, constantly.
    i always feel trapped. and when i run away, someone is chasing me.
    i don’t like this game and i don’t know how to stop it, or to get away.
    but when i turn around, no one is there.
    i’m making it all up.

    by grah on 10.04.2009
  24. the dog until you’re too tired to run. stop and take a deep breath, no, take five. let the dog find her on his own.

    by kitty kat on 10.04.2009
  25. The great chase gave away to the tremors of the great tide. Millions of cars were thrown on their undersides and thousands others fled for they’re lives, yet the chase continued.

    (Getting back into it…not my best work)

    by Eric Harrell on 10.04.2009
  26. I went to chase the squirrel up the tree, but for some reason the squirrel pulled out a flamethrower (why it had a flamethrower I’m not quite sure) and set the whole forest ablaze simply to prevent me chasing it. The whole balance with nature business seems a little unlikely to me now, but I certainly have an increased respect for squirrels.

    by Chris on 10.04.2009
  27. chase me far away from where i am
    I want to be afraid of lying still beside you
    I run from you, I hide from you, I die by you.

    by Hannah on 10.04.2009
  28. the thrill of the chase. Our breathes mingling in the air. We stomp our feet, crinkling the leaves under us, smiling, I can’t catch up to him. He knows this and slows down, but the running is still exhilarating, the chill crisp air recirculating through my lungs and coming out in puffs of happiness.

    by j on 10.04.2009
  29. i miss chase. I wish we got to hang out this weekend, but I guess that’s mainly my fault. That’s okay I guess, I’ll see him soon, but as a friend he means sos much to me. Maybe more than he realized or maybe less than I mean to him for his note seem to mean much more…

    by grimm on 10.04.2009
  30. run, run, run, my little rabbit,
    jump, jump, jump and god bless you
    never let that bad big wolf get thee
    or else dead will sound so good!

    by jennysweetie on 10.04.2009
  31. the girl ran through the dark, wet street. her hair was a flurry and her red high heels clapped along the wet pavement. she could hear heavy breathing coming up closer behind her, and her matted gold hair was slick with rain and sweat, with terror. her legs were caked with mud that continuously sprung up from hidden puddles, and her new dress was beyond the point of a simple dry-cleaning, stuck with the same mud and sweat, the same terror.

    by mh on 10.04.2009
  32. The rabbit ran, ran far away, disgusted and terrified, and then jumped, through trees
    but the wolf was everywhere anyway
    and the rabbit was killed

    by jennysweetie on 10.04.2009
  33. It began as a friendly chase. We run away so otherse can follow. I didn’t want to be chased anymore, so I ran to get away.

    by lonelygirl15 on 10.04.2009
  34. Chase those little words
    Burning random holes
    Whole words
    little words
    that you grasp around your little finger
    like curls
    little whirls
    you wrapped around your words
    warm enough
    set in the oven
    rising up
    and up
    and up
    to make some sense of it all
    words to close upon
    and to name

    by steph on 10.04.2009
  35. wishing, itching.
    he got tired.
    i became inspired, one week too late.
    chase got boring?
    out of hand?
    too much too late?
    what happened
    ill never know
    he ended
    i defended
    everything i thought i knew
    everything he told me
    everything and everyone and all the misconceptions, variations expectations gone
    it was done, it’s over, living sober

    by russ on 10.04.2009
  36. is the name of my bank. it used to be wamu…which was equally as hard to travel to, but now its chase; because wamu kicked the bucked and chase was the next heir to the bank thrown.

    by BaH on 10.04.2009
  37. the chase is all you know, and she stopped running months ago. and all you see, is where else you could be when you’re at home. and out on the street, are so many possibilities to not be alone.
    they were all the same
    just with different faces
    putting up different chases
    slipping on their vices.

    by a. russell on 10.04.2009
  38. is the name of one of my friend’s son. I also like to watch animals chase objects across a room. I don’t like being chased myself.

    by kamaria on 10.04.2009
  39. running around in circles. a dog and a ball and a little kid playing fetch in the grass. a police officer chasing a bank robber. the cop shoots. he shoots again. hes done. the moneys in the bag.

    by gagaga on 10.04.2009
  40. sometimes i chase the butterflies around the neighborhood. i laugh at the way there wings flap around and how they are all different colors. its cool.

    by cray on 10.04.2009