
August 26th, 2012 | 269 Entries

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269 Entries for “carbon”

  1. Breathing in oxygen, breathing out carbon dioxide. Doing this everyday for the rest of my life since I was born made me think what if I stop doing that. What if I stop breathing. My life suddenly flashed infront of my eyes.

    by izzati on 08.27.2012
  2. Dark and dirty but also hygienic. Contraddition.

    by Simona on 08.27.2012
  3. Dioxide. The poison surrounds us. But yet a necesary evil.

    by Steve on 08.27.2012
  4. I could scarcely breathe. I clung to the entrance of the air vacuum, yet I could feel by blood beginning to boil. This was it. This was the end. Too much carbon.

  5. carbon? is it like carbon dioxide? sorry.. i’m not that good at englick.
    Is everything made of carbon? i don*t know anything about carbon… i’m so stupid right now…

    by sven on 08.27.2012
  6. carbon is a very good element. the word is pink. carbon should be used in many ways. This is stupid. Carbon can be compounded into carbon dioxide.

    by Bama Bhai on 08.27.2012
  7. carbon reminds me of diamond,d priceless stone which struggles for years to come into just like a diamond we have to make our way through extreme pressure n come out with shimmering colours.

  8. I think that carbon is like black hard things, I think that it reamind me of summer nights :D

    by Tess on 08.27.2012
  9. map
    call of duty

    by Adam Christiansen on 08.27.2012
  10. it’s good for packing, in carbonboxes. it think of something that ”luffare” lives in, haha. what are you supposed to write on carbon????? carbon, i first thought it stood carrots, did i read wrong or what? hahahhahahahahahahaahahhaha.

    by Marika on 08.27.2012
  11. I don’t know what it is. Aha, kartong. Hahaha. It’s something you can hide things in. and it’s a very

    by Sofie on 08.27.2012
  12. when i think about carbon i see cars dioxid black and white

    by simon on 08.27.2012
  13. MW3


    CARBON <3

    by Rasmus Kvant on 08.27.2012
  14. when i hear the word i think of a little box, with nothing inside. A box made of brown

    by Jessica on 08.27.2012
  15. It’s something you can sit in! and have all your things in when you are moving or whatever. its a very boring thing made out of paper i think..

    by nellie porsedal on 08.27.2012
  16. dioxid is a gas that the cars blow out hi ho hi ho to the church we now

    by nils on 08.27.2012
  17. I don’t what i’m thinking of. brown is the colour

    by Sofie on 08.27.2012
  18. i don’t know what it is .
    mabye when you move, move carbon.
    you can have thing in there

    by frida on 08.27.2012
  19. a c

    by andre on 08.27.2012
  20. Carbon is something I think of as a scientific words like carbon dioxide or something like that it is the sixth element of the periodic table and right now I can only think of that as something that is in organic matter because in y13 chemistly we did biochemistry and I remember counting carbon chains like propane and methane etc.

    by Luana on 08.27.2012
  21. I don’t know anything about Carbon. Isnt that something that we are made of? A scientific term. Human Beings. How can you write about something you dont know anything about?

    by Sam on 08.27.2012
  22. Carbon. Are we talking about the stuff in cars? Are we talking about part of what we breath out. Carbon, just what is carbon? What does Carbon mean? Where do we find it? Is it elemental? Is is touchable? Can we breathe it? Smell it? Taste it? Touch it? Or is it like love? Do we know it’s there, theoretically but have no proof that it’s there?

    by Sammie on 08.27.2012
  23. It was too late. The sword was already sinking into the puddle of high density carbon. It was gone, lost forever, an ancient treasure never to be seen again. That damned element. Why was it even here anyways? This was the arctic for christsakes! Why was he even in the arctic. What was the whole purpose of coming here anyway? What was it? Research? Discovering new things? Uncovering one of the world’s most prized posessions?

    Fuck that.

  24. black charcoal. He held it deftly in his hand as he sculpted my naked form on the crisp white parchment in front of him. Only fair he had said as he striped his clothes from his god like body in an instant my breath caught and I felt like the goddess of need

    by JenJen on 08.27.2012
  25. carbon. aliens? earthlings? who will know? carbon emissions? perhaps we are breathing ourselves. ew.

    by Ayla on 08.27.2012
  26. Charred to a crisp. Basis of all life forms on earth. A copy, as in “carbon copy.” Coal black. The dating of ancient objects.

    Associations criss-crossing my brain/mind. Has anyone yet figured out how the mind works? I mean really? Always theories. Carbon-based life forms. Carbon sequestration. In our forests, preventing pollution. Carbon fuels releasing Carbon dioxide into the sir. We are of it but in some forms it poisons us.

    by TLRTLR on 08.27.2012
  27. Black like the carbon in the dust on the jacket. The handprint on my palm were all that was left of the miner.

  28. I see a little box made out of carbon and it contains a gift just for me! I wonder what it could be

    by Lottawg on 08.27.2012
  29. The slim material in a pencil that leads to “fat” thoughts, wide impressions, large pictures, expansive memories and voluptuous tales to be enjoyed or not, by many.

    by Freda Washington on 08.27.2012
  30. Oh woe is you, poor unloved carbon. They look on you with loathing.

    Oh woe is you, sad and shunned element. They turn their accusing minds to the task of removing your stain from this world.

    Oh woe is you, desperately needed enemy. They are taught to abhor you.

    Oh woe is you, poor reviled carbon. Why do they not see your diamonds?

  31. she was a carbon copy of her. i couldn’t believe it. after all these years i missed, after all the time i had forced myself to stay away, i was face to face with the woman i loved. and i felt ashamed to have walked away. but the truth is, if i hadn’t we’d all be dead. but that was the worst part of all- she had no idea.

  32. Carbon Footprints. Isn’t it crazy that everything you do can impact the world and the people of the future. Everything that you do affects the future. I’m not sure about anything else when it comes to Carbon, besides the random little things I learn in Biology when I am barely listening. Although it’s part of every day life and you barely notice…

    by Courtney on 08.27.2012
  33. every time that i breathe i take in oxygen and i exhale something that has carbon in it. part of me is made of carbon. i eat it sometimes as well. it is an element. it kind of sounds good.

    by Andrew on 08.27.2012
  34. Carbon paper… Good. Carbon dioxide very bad!
    Half the health problems are because of the later one.

    I don’t know whether to move to a cleaner city. But How can I leave MUMBAI!!!
    Mumbai the happening city!
    And go to a boring but clean one??

    by Saya on 08.27.2012
  35. Carbon, the basic foundation of all things on earth, a simple element with only 6 electrons yet found in everything living or not. There is one truth to all things that exist on this earth, i.e. once burned, they all turn into the same thing: carbon.

  36. carbon dioxide takes the place of oxygen in the air when i exhale
    carbon monoxide takes the place of oxygen on my red blood cells

  37. Is this Chemistry? -Organic Chemistry to be exact.

  38. blaha

  39. Something black, Diamonds, Puzzle Craft, Farming, Lives lost? You name it.

    by Emil "Noodle" Walter on 08.26.2012
  40. Organic Life
    4 binding-capabilities

    by Päht on 08.26.2012