
March 14th, 2024 | 7 Entries

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7 Entries for “caramel”

  1. So when you get a box of candy for a gift and you smile and thank them, when they leave do you go through the box and throw out the caramels? Or do you just tough it out?

  2. Thoughts of you, slow like caramel over summer apples, roll over my mind and into my mouth where I taste delicious images of us together under evening moons and stars

  3. Thoughts run like caramel over an apple in the summertime, slow and sweet and I can’t wait to sink my teeth into the object they crown with glaze, my love, my apple

    by David on 03.15.2024
  4. Sticky, melting ice cream as the cold stabilizes it, sticking to teeth, tongue-brushing my mouth after the treat, hands in popcorn in the three-sectioned tin

  5. “Where I am from, we have sweet teeth. We love food but we love sweet-tasting treats even more. Mama had a special groundnut caramel recipe that got her fame and even had her appear on the National cooking show. That was how she got the job that paid for her culinary school and had her start her own cooking show. My siblings and I hardly saw her anymore but the last time I did, it was at her studio, and she looked very much alive, detective.”

  6. caramel is sweet i like it it is sticky and gooey and I can’t think of what to write in this sixty seconds because I really want to just get to the end of it to see the other pieces that have been written about caramel today – how long is 60 seconds, it feels like to is going on forever and ever – if I type

    by Sam on 03.14.2024
  7. The caramel coating on the apple was so sweet and delicious. She bite through it, and the skin of the apple, enjoying the sharp taste of the apple with the smooth and luscious taste of the caramel. But then when she had eaten the caramel coating off the apple, she realized that the apple itself was quite mushy and didn’t taste so good. She threw it into the trash. Lesson learned.

    by Chanpheng on 03.14.2024