
August 24th, 2023 | 5 Entries

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5 Entries for “benevolence”

  1. i dont know it reminds me of poo and being constipaded in my bathroom plese save me from the smell it is stanky just like me eat my poo drink my pee please eat poooooooppppp i need some fruit to help me get my poop out hopefully it doesn’t explode that would be explosive constipation please hold your breath while i pooo

    by Jax Aigner on 08.25.2023
  2. Hello my dear,

    I think you are very benevolence. For example you make my homeworks last day.

    Goodbye. Lovely.

    by Sema on 08.25.2023
  3. You think it makes it so great? Passing down gifts with pats on the head? A savior with a golden halo? When all I need is someone to sit on the couch and talk to me while I wash dishes.

  4. How easy it is for good intentions to go awry. What is benevolence to one is malevolence to another.

  5. The calmness of the monks always impresses me, when they walk barefoot over the roads, receiving almost from villagers. It’s like they feel benevolence towards the world, and maybe forbearance on the craziness of the traffic and noise.