
January 11th, 2010 | 419 Entries

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419 Entries for “bamboo”

  1. bamboo
    brittle and strong
    with alittle manipulation
    create a song

    by DWH on 01.12.2010
  2. I remember a bamboo garden at a retreat center. Long slim stalks of smooth green poles. The light shown through most magically.

    by Chris G on 01.12.2010
  3. As little monkey sees a something mysterious from afar, it runs towards it and got shocked that it is just a rotten bamboo.

    by E. on 01.12.2010
  4. bamboo, what pandas eat, a tall wood like plant, can be used for flooring, decoration, privacy , or om nom for panda. takes a very long time to grow tall

    by lauren / on 01.12.2010
  5. Bamboo, shampoo, what a do. You can’t get what you want. Why? Because Mic Jagger has the hottest swagger? Words don’t swagger they take the form of a dagger and before you know it everyone has gone kamakasi on all your asses. And your assets won’t save you this time.

    by Yam S on 01.12.2010
  6. woody stick. Touch gonna rise go. Kasaneygo re otikeri oh. hurry now you dear monkey slapstick bitch. Bungee jumping goeroge washing tons snickers into his mom’s bra. Dance with me you sick mohaccain punks. The real native americans wisdom weed was passed around.

    by Haakan on 01.12.2010
  7. The forest seperated. A line of smaller animals was followed by a galloping horde of wild creatures, obviously terrified. They split in all directions, and crushing a thin branch of bamboo, a baby panda stepped into the new clearing.

    by WhaleHawk on 01.12.2010
  8. is the thing that koalas eat when they are lonely and I wish i could see a bamboo eat some koalas because then the tables would be turned on those poor little creatures, the bamboo plants oh my goodness how that bamboo needs to be devoured by something.

    by Lee on 01.12.2010
  9. asia
    a plant
    panda bears
    vietnam war
    used for shelter
    can eat it if you are a panda
    has two o’s in it and two b’s

    by rachael on 01.12.2010
  10. Strong. Durable. Life and Lively. With roots beneath and flowers above.

    by unraveled on 01.12.2010
  11. Bamboo
    pandas eat it
    smooth in between little bumpy knobs
    is now used for flooring and other home goods
    stringy, fiber, chewy, Asia
    How tall does it grow?
    Is it a weed?
    Does it take over everything around it?
    Does it grow in a forest?

    by Laura on 01.12.2010
  12. Bamboo? Bamboo? Like the plant that grows in thickets in amazing places I’ve never been before? I think I’m jealous of bamboo. But I can walk around. Bamboo is rooted to the ground like an old hermit. Maybe bamboo is jealous of me?

    by Sleepless.Dreams on 01.12.2010
  13. It’s like a forest, right? But maybe we are more alone? And there are no branches. So we can’t hid from ourselves anymore.

    by Chloe Boudjalis on 01.12.2010
  14. Brian could see the little bamboo shoots, spurting up in his backyard. It symbolized life to him, how fast it goes by. How much you can miss if you turn away for just a second and give into the temptations of transgression and wrongdoings. How much he had missed.

    by Starr on 01.12.2010
  15. Bamboo slivers slipped further under his fingernails, slicing nerves and shooting fiery pain through his arms and head. His eyes rolled back in his head, then he was gone….

    by J Micah on 01.12.2010
  16. the forest was standing strong, reaching for the sky. as we walked through the park we were blocked from the reality of the city sounds hiding just behind the wall of bamboo.

    by on 01.12.2010
  17. A guy named Mike gave me a ride. He said he was a biologist and that the bamboo was nothing compared to . . .

    by Frank on 01.12.2010
  18. feeling of lush,
    yet its stiff and holds together
    everything in a world of something
    in a world of
    and it only makes one difference..
    its basically..
    a contridiction.

    by alessa marie on 01.12.2010
  19. a tree

    by jmikl m. on 01.12.2010
  20. I stood by the desk, fearfully a-tremble with anticipation of the cane descending with snake-swift speed to strike! once upon the palm of my outstretched hand. Ouch! The headteacher, Mr. Dick smiled fiendishly. “That’ll learn yer, won’t it?” I agreed wholeheartedly. It learned me to not get caught out of class, again.

    by Wildewood on 01.12.2010
  21. The large brown bear ate his fill of bamboo while sitting int he zoo. He wondered what all the people were looking at, him or the large bamboo shoots covering his cage. Of course, large brown bears do not eat bamboo, only panda; he was an oddity!

    by Jenny on 01.12.2010
  22. Bamboo is not only extremely sturdy but also delicious for Pandas. I once has sex with a girl in a bamboo plantation, let’s just just say it was pretty exotic…

    by James on 01.12.2010
  23. eats shoots and leaves.
    eats, shoots, and leaves.

    by orbiting on 01.12.2010
  24. bamboo pole

    by nurul on 01.12.2010
  25. strawberry fields forever

    by katerina on 01.12.2010
  26. this is used for making fences and bowls. You can use bamboo bowls for steaming food, including those yummy pancakes that you get at the chinese restaurants. I love those. With duck in them. Erm, what else can I tell you about bamboo. They use it on changing rooms and gardening programmes to screen gardens and give privacy. That’s about all i know.

    by Claire on 01.12.2010
  27. Hollow on the inside by strong and resilient.

    by Sab on 01.12.2010
  28. bamboo you. bamboo me. what do you see when it comes to the bamboo of we?…are you not interested in the bamboo flee. then go. be. see. then and only then will you take in the the bamboo is about and then glee.

    by raven on 01.12.2010
  29. bamboo can be used for various things in construction such as scaffoldings and bracings. err. yeah. thats about all i can say about bamboo.

    by pease on 01.12.2010
  30. where i Live – is called the general district of Bamboo. It is perhaps called that because of the many wild bamboos that inhabited the area before we settled there.

    by Pete on 01.12.2010
  31. Bamboo. I think that bamboo chopstick are the best things ever. I mean, you try to get a decent bite of food and all you get are a mouthful of splinters at the most. That when us clumsy folk don’t poke out an eye on the way up.

    by Moss on 01.12.2010
  32. Her heart was racing as she ran through the bamboo thicket. The hardened posts pushed her off the trail and cut into her as she made her escape. Surely, he would find her if she did’t hurry.

    by Mandy on 01.12.2010
  33. They told me it was bamboo but when I got it home it turned out to be green painted press board. I was bamboozled over bamboo, shameful…

    by Christian on 01.12.2010
  34. It was itchy under me, the thin cotton sheet laid between the floor of the hut and my sunburnt back did little for my comfort. Oh won’t the others be quiet! We’ve been walking all day and have a lot further to walk tomorrow.

    by Trek on 01.12.2010
  35. Bamboo reminds me of the rainforest the all mighty panda. When I think of a panda i think of my friend Mackenzie who i go to panda express with every second Friday in every month. Bamboo is also a very strong structure and can make flooring I

    by Stephen M. on 01.12.2010
  36. bambooo is life. its the stuff that keeps panda living. we destroy it

    by on 01.12.2010
  37. I had a friend once that we called Bamboo. Not really sure why we did that. I think probably one time someone associated his weight to that of a panda, and I guess that name stuck, rather than the name Panda.

    by Tov on 01.12.2010
  38. bamboo vegetation is found in swampy areas. Bamboo is used to manufacture furniture. the most demanded furniture in the market.

    by kappa on 01.12.2010
  39. bamboo is what pandas eat and its not really that common so pandas are dying out. maybe we should get pandas some immitation bamboo, yeah so it doesn’t taste as good but maybe it’ll help them from starvation. I know my grammar is really bad but hey i only got 60 seconds

    by nemmer on 01.12.2010
  40. i sit on the couch, just staring at the weaved bamboo table directly across from me. words bounce off of the walls around my head but all i can see is the absurdly clear glass vase sitting just off center on the table. remarkably well-kept flowers stand in it, upright.

    by satah on 01.12.2010