
September 12th, 2023 | 8 Entries

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8 Entries for “azure”

  1. The sky stretched over mountains, my earrings right now, split turquoise, a piece of sky split and dropped into my hands

  2. The azure sky seemed to stretch for miles above me. The sun glared down, merciless in its heat. A bead of sweat ran down my face as my feet pounded against the floor repeatedly.

    by Becca on 09.13.2023
  3. In the sky above me. Dotted with white clouds, pale as porcelain. Where were you? I squinted. The sun is so bright in my eyes everything begins to stretch into metallic lines. A dot here, a glimmer there–you had to be up there somewhere, didn’t you? Flying on those delicate metal wings, the interlacing of wood and fabric–in that clumsy little plane you’d said you’d always fix up and fly someday. You were up there, I suppose. You had to be.

  4. The azure color of the sky was like a crystal. At dusk, the sky seemed infinite, and she reminded herself that the atmosphere is only a thin coating around the Earth, before hitting the black nothingness of space.

    by Chanpheng on 09.12.2023
  5. this makes me think of the blue skies and how light and fluffy it is. I love how the sky changes from this blue color to a pretty pink orange or red. the color blue reminds me of being sad.

  6. I think about clouds and how fluffy they are making the sky a nice light baby blue that is so pretty but changes depending on where the sun is.

    by ashley on 09.12.2023
  7. Smile

    shared experiences

    by adam on 09.12.2023
  8. I went to Gadchiroli last yaer, There is greenery in everywhere and the confusion is that the mountain is situated under the azure skies or skies ware the mountain body.

    by kalyani on 09.12.2023