
June 20th, 2023 | 8 Entries

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8 Entries for “awareness”

  1. Only those things you perceive show up in your awareness. the input for that perception are your five senses. there are other sences you are able to access, with training. Thats hardly possible, since this is the first visit to your site.

    by Hunt on 06.21.2023
  2. the awareness that our love changed courses has broken me in half.
    why can’t you stay? what changed?
    being aware of our downfall hurts deeply and i’d rather be delusional than endure the pain of reality.

    by mfgm on 06.21.2023
  3. the sands whisper tales of oblivion. amidst the absurdity, one seeks solace in cognizance. the clatter of casbahs and scent of citrus – illusions fleeting. in this awakening, is found rebellion, and ultimate affirmation.

  4. i watch you
    just out of view
    you wouldn’t even
    recognize my
    face in
    an elevator
    but i know you
    better than
    you know

    by Em on 06.20.2023
  5. It’s all about noise-canceling headphones at the DMV. The secret to enlightenment may be selective sensory participation. Outside my silent bubble, tempers flare, papers rustle. I’ve escaped, clutching serenity amidst the anarchy of car registration.

    by human_esque on 06.20.2023
  6. Coffee, stale, but hot, steams in the dawn light. The desert knows, the road knows. The reflection in the window acknowledges a journey only half traveled.

    by mellowtonin on 06.20.2023
  7. The air is thick with memory and whispering shadows; it is the very breath of eons. One gazes into the mosaic of life, unearthing the echoing rhythms of forgotten melodies.

    by Jaz on 06.20.2023
  8. Here you are, a simple meatbag in a universe that can’t make up its mind. When the gears click, and you see the big picture, don’t forget your cosmic insignificance. It’s liberating!

    by arlo on 06.20.2023