
April 29th, 2023 | 5 Entries

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5 Entries for “attribute”

  1. our attributes are like the many facets of a gemstone, each one reflecting a different aspect of our character. when polished and nurtured, they shine brightly, illuminating our path and guiding us toward our light…

    by ivyivy on 04.29.2023
  2. The artist studied his subject, capturing the subtle attributes that made her unique. With each brushstroke, he unraveled the layers of her personality, revealing the hidden depths that lay beneath the surface, immortalizing her essence on canvas.

  3. Matilda infused her culinary creations with the very attributes that defined her spirit: warmth, love, and an infectious zest for life. Each mouthwatering morsel was a testament to her passion, delighting the senses and nourishing the soul.

  4. In the quiet of her study, she pondered the complex tapestry of human attributes. Each trait, a thread woven into the fabric of our existence, creating the unique patterns that define who we are and shape the course of our lives.

  5. my best attribute—according to my mom—is my smile. and she’s probably right, but she’s always trying to get me to smile, and I just can’t do it on cue. I imagine that when she’s gone there will be some heavy irony around this thought.