
October 30th, 2009 | 377 Entries

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377 Entries for “arrow”

  1. arrow through the heart of a broken soul. shattered into pieces splattered on the floor. arrow, a mode of destruction.

    by anon. on 10.31.2009
  2. an arrow is a pointed object typically used with a bow to create a weapon. arrows are typically made of wood, with some sort of feathery material on the back to stabilize the arrow during flight, and the tip of the arrow is pointed so the arrow sticks into whatever you fire it at. arrows are deadly.

    by amman on 10.31.2009
  3. arrows in my heart
    i tend to fall apart
    when oyu are around
    my tears hit the ground
    you can have them all
    as long as blood can fall
    but you plan on coming back
    ill be back on track
    doing what i can
    keeping busy hands
    i know im a slut
    but i dont give a fuck

    by brit on 10.31.2009
  4. this is what robin hood fired. It is harp and comes to a point and is fired out of a BOW. It was used a lot in medival times as a form of combat and hunting. Legeles uses one in the Lord of the Rings ang was a great archer. There is a sport called archery in which you fire at a target.

    by sam on 10.31.2009
  5. Arrow, it stabs you and may kill you. Shakespear said something about some arrows of love. Is wierd..the love can stab you? and kill you? good…i might never love..neah i will

    by je on 10.31.2009
  6. Swoosh.
    The arrow missed the target and went straight into the waters.

    Why don’t they stop.

    by j on 10.31.2009
  7. fast quick, accurate, authority, leader, ruler, army, war, english, hunter, moon, early man, three parts, holy trinity. archer, fletcher, precision.

    by naloac on 10.31.2009
  8. i want to fly like an arrow, tear the wind and aim to the target! i want to do what i like, just like an arrow which just knows it aim and nothing else.

    by goleo on 10.31.2009
  9. once upon a time there was a magical arrow. it told the people of the town which direction to go when all was lost. when they had no direction, it gave them some. in time the people of the town found their destinies at the end of the path that laid before them. this arrow cured many woes.

    by Callalily on 10.31.2009
  10. used with a bow – robin hood had one – can point to things – used as a accentuating mark in powerpoint

    by gill on 10.31.2009
  11. its amazing how something so small can make a huge difference in any situation. in my case. i was hit straight through the heart…i was hurt.. there’s nothing left to do other than lay down and accept my destiny.

    by Lou mofo on 10.31.2009
  12. …straight through my heart, piercing, hurting, stinging. Words can kill; don’t think they can’t. Like missles, sharp and deadly. Like arrows, straight through my heart.

    by theamarie on 10.30.2009
  13. separated by the arrow which ignites us, we follow blindly the path laid out ahead of our shadows.

    by John Hoffman on 10.30.2009
  14. and so the arrow flew true, right through the heart of the one i loved, the one i hated, the one i couldn’t do without. but could. and now, i would. no one would tie me to the earth. no one would conquer me, keep me from my independence. destiny. hell. what is destiny to me? let them all fucking burn.

    by Galabrielle on 10.30.2009
  15. the arrow peirced her skin with the sharpest pain she had ever felt, worse that when her love abandoned her, worse than when her father died. could this be because she saw who had launched it? yes, it had been her sister. the pain in her heart swelled and she could no longer breath did she die of a broken heart? or an arrow? who knows

    by on 10.30.2009
  16. the arrow peirced her skin with the sharpest pain she had ever felt, worse that when her love abandoned her, worse than when her father died. could this be because she saw who had launched it? yes, it had been her sister. the pain in her heart swelled and she could no longer breath did she die of a broken heart? or an arrow? who knows

    by on 10.30.2009
  17. an arrow can pierce your heart in an act of love or hate. you’ll fall into a stupor of shock or lust, i’m sure.

    by Manduh. on 10.30.2009
  18. the arrow made a clean entry but the exit was not all that pleasant and it took a reasonable amount of flesh along with it…

    by santanu on 10.30.2009
  19. Arrows are awesome. They were used in the William Tell story, how brave his son was, to trust him to shoot the apple above his head.

    Arrows were used before as well, but now they are mostly used for tatooes and hearts.

    by Marquee on 10.30.2009
  20. William Tell shot an arrow through an apple on his son’s head. The arrow breezed through and the look of triumph on the little boy’s face underlied the danger he had been put through. What would his mother have said anyway?!

    by Emmy on 10.30.2009
  21. It flew true and pierced his heart. Was cupid playing matchmaker on Halloween? How absurd!

    by Kim on 10.30.2009
  22. arrows…
    Cupid shoots them through hearts apparently
    we don’t get enough love in this world
    Since when was love supposed to be such a complicated concept
    I love you, you love me, we are a big happy family?
    people overcomplicate things
    shoot arrows right through your heart
    it hurts. A lot. I don’t think many people take the right direction…they need an arrow to guide them

    by V on 10.30.2009
  23. man
    they point you in the right direction sometimes
    if you mess up they dont though
    they have point things at the end
    that are kinda like triangles
    i wonder why
    i wonder who came up with the arrow
    i love how im word you can just press –> and it makes and arrow
    its so convenient
    and I hope one day i will have an arrow in my mind point me in the right direction

    by V on 10.30.2009
  24. the bow was taut as he drew the string all the way back to his cheek. he was confident, having done this thousands of time before. The only minor difference was the fact that his target was now much more personal. This time it looked back at him with the same piercing eyes that he shed upon it.

    by Fanooly on 10.30.2009
  25. Straight through the heart. He didn’t even stand a chance.

    It was late summer, walking outside some five-and-dime strip mall, and it hit him. An arrow, straight through the heart. It was him and it was her and it was everything.

    by Marius on 10.30.2009
  26. There is a line through the middle of the word… Im not sure what I am supposed to be writing about. I see an arrow, well not exactly, at the top of the screen. This is stupid… I

    by Don on 10.30.2009
  27. he shot his arrow into her tipped over velvet.

    laughter abounded

    parted her red seas

    clutching a beet

    you out of my tomato sauce!

    it was a delicious dinner

    and that is where the arrow went…

    by maria on 10.30.2009
  28. He flew straight into her eye, squashed her optic nerve, and punctured her brain. As her screams filled the sky, he morphed back into his original form, exploding out of her head as he did.

    by on 10.30.2009
  29. arrow is like something that pierces things
    fuck arrows i just spent like 20 seconds trying to spell pierce right… and another five right there….

    by on 10.30.2009
  30. Shot. Shot again and again. No luck. You call yourself a Sagittarian? Again.

    Thick, slow,

    by on 10.30.2009
  31. The arrow shot through the sky, through my skin, through my bones, but stopping steadily as it reached the air behind my back.
    I could feel it suddenly shift.
    Then as I pulled it out, my intestine was hanging.
    Is this what is feels like to be pierced with love?
    Or was I only dreaming.

    by Kait on 10.30.2009
  32. pointy little thing that hurts when I touch it. Where do I go. Where do you go? It is so much information. North, south, east, west, up, down,in

    by Carlaa on 10.30.2009
  33. the arrow pierced his heart. he was in love. hehad just seen the object of his newfound affection, but it was an example of…love at first sight

    by Emma on 10.30.2009
  34. “I didn’t know they even still made those,” said Captain Lazer Johnson, still in shock regarding the wooden shaft sticking out of his leg. “Be a dear and get it out, will you?”

    Lazer’s wife, Margaret, set to work removing the arrow from his spacesuit. Little did either of them know that catastrophic decompression was a very likely possibility.

    by Luke! on 10.30.2009

    by JENNE' on 10.30.2009
  36. Blazing arrow, towards that pinnacle of fiery truth deep in the heart of you, your mountain, your firm and unbending center, that shares no rivulet of love, no trickle of care, for me or our kind. Burn those bushes on your steep mountainside and feel my breathing, feeding life.

    by Lara on 10.30.2009
  37. arrows have been around for a very long time, originally used for killing people and animals. However, now arrows are used in a different context. Just pointing. As in, over here! Whereas once an arrow meant certain death, now it could mean just about anything. Hey! There’s the bathroom on a road sign is a much more pleasant arrow than in the year 1450, when seeing an arrow often meant you wouldn’t have time to think about it’s unpleasantness

    by Mitch F on 10.30.2009
  38. Indians come over the range to hunt the white man who steals their land. The arrow pierces the hide and drives a channel through the flesh as the pierced moans and rattles his last breath.

    by Erek King on 10.30.2009
  39. An arrow flies through the night sky, it’s flaming head a symbol of the freedom it’s shooter fights for. She sits between two dunes, watching the arrow arc higher and higher, and then begin to drop. Slinging her bow across her back, she continues upon her journey, which she fears will never come to an end.

    by Tkot on 10.30.2009
  40. Indians come over the range to hunt the white man who steals their land. The arrow pierces the hide and drives a channel through the flesh as the pierced moans and rattles his last breath.

    by Erek King on 10.30.2009