
August 20th, 2023 | 5 Entries

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5 Entries for “alternative”

  1. Option
    Different path
    You can choose this route or this one. Each look the same but lead to differ t places

    by Suzann Dorjath on 08.21.2023
  2. Other than, another choice– there is no other choice. I feel trapped. Alternative is a way out. Another route. It’s also a music style. It’s a different way. Of doing things, seeing things, being. A different lens. Another perspective.

    by Jennifer on 08.21.2023
  3. There was no alternative, she had to go. Leaving her home was not the hard part. Home wasn’t what it use to be ever since mom died. The hard part would be leaving him.

  4. the alternative to living alone was to live with other people. But that was proving to be the problem. She woke to kitchens filled with dirty dishes, none of them a result of her cooking. But she didn’t have the money to move out, so she didn’t confront anyone, but kept her room clean and her mouth shut. Until the day that one of her roommates found a dead rat in the kitchen sink.

  5. You have choice in what or how you do something. It is another way of doing something that might not be considered the normal way according to a particular group. Another word might be differentiate when used in a classroom setting. The teacher may alter the lesson to help a student learn in a different way.

    by Mandy on 08.20.2023