
September 3rd, 2023 | 5 Entries

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5 Entries for “abyss”

  1. And sometimes, do you feel the cold air rush up from it, let it numb your heart, pulling until you almost fall in, face first, arms still at your sides, no fighting, just collapsing into the hole?

  2. The abyss was always there, and he knew that he was always in danger of falling into it. His mood was always so dark and this didn’t help his work or his school. He felt that whatever he did, it would never be good enough.That he would go home with an exam score of B+ and his father would demand “Why wasn’t it an A+?”

    by Chanpheng on 09.03.2023
  3. There is a darkness here, one seemingly without end. Somehow within it, there is also a kind of strange peace. It should be disturbing, unsettling, mind destroying. And yet I find myself sinking into it with a willingness and enjoyment I have rarely felt in any other situation. I want to drop down, down, down.

    by Bridie on 09.03.2023
  4. I look out into the abyss below me. Deep breath. Close eyes. Step forward. And fall………
    The wind rushes around me and envelopes me in a hug. I feel weightless.

  5. He looks down. There is a world down there of melting earth breaking under the dark, of floating glimmering things. Long flashing things, things with big eyes and things that see nothing at all. And he can never go down to see it. They can only send robots in underwater boxes down to the end of the world.