
January 28th, 2010 | 305 Entries

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305 Entries for “outlet”

  1. streaming from my mind, i need only the proper outlet to let the vast wealth we all share dribble outside. Only the outlet were bigger, something might come of my vast vision.

    by ash on 01.29.2010
  2. The first thing I thought of was an outlet mall. Which is weird because that also led me to thinking about the outer banks, in north carolina. because that’s where i used to go to this outlet mall with my family. And i really liked it.

    by Amanda on 01.29.2010
  3. extension of a place or company or action or feeling. don’t believe in it sometimes but sometimes it works. good place to show feeling that are inside you that you cant usually express. money. savings.

    by JVG on 01.29.2010
  4. A place to vent anger. A place for energy to flow and rain into. A place to input your time and money.

    by Fugart on 01.29.2010
  5. there was an outlet in the wall. through the dark slits there was movement and then still ness and then there was light. in the blink of an eye the universe was created and all things ended. the reality of un reality filled the room as all the lives of the world were simul

    by Jake on 01.29.2010
  6. the outlet sparked. i shoved my hand in it and it caught on fire. i was afraid but then the water put it out. the spark had a green blue tint and turned purple and orange. why was i so scared? i didnt know. i needed to get away from here.

    by Anon on 01.29.2010
  7. I need a creative one. My mind is gradually collapsing in around me. I need to harness what’s left, before it disappears.

    by mitch on 01.29.2010
  8. i need an outlet I need a release something to ease the pressure something to stop the pain if only for a little while I need something something to make it all go away I need something to make me wanna stay

    by V on 01.29.2010
  9. i need an outlet. electrical, metaphorical, regardless of the type. I need an outlet from this prison of a lifestyle. I understand the opportunities presented to me, but i believe that following the rules is an abomination of the nature.

    by ksmith on 01.29.2010
  10. Outlet, electric, barbed wire-I set it
    Up for you-entangled, encased. You’re my outlet for my tireless brain.

    by Chelsea on 01.29.2010
  11. shopping outlets. outlet for grief, pain, rage etc.

    by dfd on 01.29.2010
  12. it was obviously the only way out
    i paddled towards the break of the dark vegetation that had surrounded me for such a long time now
    and as I passed through this outlet to another world, the sun hit me and the darkness left me
    free from my grasping insecurities and able to begin anew

    by soph on 01.29.2010
  13. the outlet is a cool place to be super cheap

    by jshy on 01.29.2010
  14. You let your rage out and be really mad at people. Then you go to a really cheap shop that is part of a much bigger company. There you get really cheap stuff, clothes etc.
    The words has to meanings

    by Lina on 01.29.2010
  15. Where the bargains sometimes are good but you have to be in luck to find you size.

    by Laura Lebron on 01.29.2010
  16. electricity, power, shock.

    by on 01.29.2010
  17. electricity, power, shock.

    by on 01.29.2010
  18. I peered into the socket. It wasn’t getting anywhere fast, I knew that was the way in, but how? The outlet was staring me straight in the face, just like it had a face of its own. All I had to do was figure out how this stupid thing was supposed to be the portal – supposed to lead me to another dimension.

    I had the key somewhere in my pocket, but I wasn’t ready to try it just yet. This was a puzzle – something I was supposed to figure out on my own.

    That’s when I saw it – the door on the other side of the room.

    by Mandarific on 01.29.2010
  19. It gives me my reason, it is what I am doing, this is the outlet. The desire is present, the writing is the outlet, yet why am I frozen? Why can’t I do more? Why am I stoppable, unlike so many before me? This must end. I must endure.

    by Erin on 01.29.2010
  20. plug things into them
    street outlets?
    no outlet
    broken outlet

    by bobby on 01.29.2010
  21. this is an outlet for all of my thoughts that i am not supposed to be thinking about.

    by on 01.29.2010
  22. i once stuck my finger in an outlet, just to see if it would kill me. Obviously, it didn’t. But I still get little shocks whenever I touch a blender. Maybe I should get that checked out…. Anyway….. where were we?

    by on 01.29.2010
  23. i was in a room and i looked in a corner and there was an electrical outlet. i thought hmm that looks different that normal. so i reached down and touched it. and instantly i was tranported into another world. i was in a purple room with pink dinosaurs.

    by vanessa on 01.29.2010
  24. you plug shit in.
    and i just realized how ridiculous that sounded.

    by kdizz on 01.29.2010
  25. Outlet just reminds me of outlet malls. The places my mom would drag me to and she and my sister would go nuts about. “Look at this sale I found!” or “Ooh designer jeans half price. Personally, I never cared that much, but I did like the time spent with them.

    by Josh on 01.29.2010