
October 1st, 2013 | 72 Entries

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72 Entries for “distilled”

  1. What is purity? She asks, looking up from the dark sludge of a river that they visit, the stench of rotting fish and perhaps some festering hope hogging what little clean air their lungs can hold.

  2. distilled, and im left filled with pure emotions. wrought about in some dystopian science lab. Its hellish, cruel, unimpeded madness. still, thats what i asked for, its what i wanted, what i needed. Distilled

    by James Boueri on 10.01.2013
  3. She looked at the distilled water bottle and drank from it withouth thinking much. Her head immediatly started getting dizzy and she couldn’t see much anymore. What was happening?

    by B.B. on 10.01.2013
  4. Abriu a garrafa sem nem ao menos olhar o rótulo. Derramou o liquido no copo e bebeu rapidamente, sentindo a gargante queimar no processo. Fechou os olhos, sentindo eles lacrimejarem em seguida.
    Sem nem ao menos pensar no que estava prestes a fazer, pegou a garrafa novamente, mas desta vez atirou-a na parede, protegendo a cabeça quando esta se estilhaçou.

    by B. on 10.01.2013
  5. She picked up a glass of her distilled water and took a seat. She’d been waiting at the restaurant for what felt like ages. This was supposed to be her moment and here he was, ruining it again. Making it all about him and what he wants. Sometimes she felt like she could choke him. But she wasn’t that girl anymore, she wasn’t like that, she’d changed.

    by Calandra on 10.01.2013
  6. Their love had once been clear but over the years it became murky and disturbed. New ideas, thoughts, and feelings were introduced while others curdled and were left alone to whither away. The water of their love became distilled but still stood strong.

    by Iris on 10.01.2013
  7. No matter what, I can’t get that cold distilled image in her eyes out of my head. It’s as if she is secretly plotting my death, with each scenario becoming more tantalizing than the one before it. What did I do to deserve such a horrid death? Will she ever forgive me?

    by Madison Heim-Jinivisian on 10.01.2013
  8. The distilled elixir of youth was poured carefully into the waiting beaker. With this small amount the woman would look gorgeous forever. It was everyone’s dream come true; to be young and beautiful forever. Well, she thought that until she spilled the entire vial on herself and reverted back to infancy. At that point all she could do is dread having to go through puberty again.

    by on 10.01.2013
  9. I just saw an entire barrel of distilled alcohol on sale in a one of those bulk stores…. So, the huge bottle, not enough, the huge box, not enough, nope, we need an arfin barrel. It’s official, we are all screwed.

    by Drivven Wrinth on 10.01.2013
  10. She distilled the dislike in her features into something more potent: hate, bitter and strong enough to make my confidence falter.

  11. My words flow like water, but this water is my distilled blood. No more heart.

    by Joshua King on 10.01.2013
  12. Distilled honey usually didn’t feel like tat, sober and sad and strange and liquid.

    Usually it was thick, and hard, and it didn’t look at one as if one was about to turn into a blueberyr or some such strang efruit. No… distilled honey generally acted quite nicely.

    today, it seemed to be doing its best to make things difficult.

    not that i hadn’t been expecting it, for even the trees were starting to tremble… not their leaves which were scared of anything, but the trunks themselves.

  13. Water. Like in chemistry class. Gosh, I hated chemistry. I really sucked at it. The numbers were on the paper and in my calculator and I knew what I was supposed to do, but there was some sort of disconnect. It just didn’t make sense. I think it’s because it was a bit too menial and too reliant on being perfectly exact that I just couldn’t stand it. Give me algebra any day but goodness gracious I’m done with chemistry!

  14. to separate


    it can’t be together

    by D'Ette Marceaux on 10.01.2013
  15. There it was, a life’s work, distilled into just a few hundred pages of paper. He had slaved over this novel his whole adult life; it had owned him, but he could not now take the final, fatal step. He returned it to the drawer, locked it, and put the key in his pocket.

    by tonykeyesjapan on 10.01.2013
  16. My thoughts need to be distilled. First it was friends with benefits; now it’s homeless men. I don’t know what I like because I’ve tried everything. Write on the street, behind a bush, with an strange man; it doesn’t faze me. And then I want to walk into my neighbors home because he invited me for sex, but I stop myself.

  17. i fellt as if my life was going to change for ever, as if my soul was being distilled from my body, leaving only small pieces of what once was my darkest part, my ugly side, my lower companion, now taking whole of a souless body, aching to get something as close as a normal life, I was left to solve the riddles of my heart alone. There was nothing here to keep me from falling to the arms of madness, only me, myself and a thousand more personalities within my body, all taking turns to avercome my damped and weak being.

    by Carlos Lara on 10.01.2013
  18. Distilled water is
    really not so different, right?
    Water is water.

  19. distilled into the bottom of a glass
    this curious case is closed
    whatever substance it may be
    that molds itself to love or hate
    does not change as medium
    or fuel in unlit charge
    distilled into a single spark

    Let no man stand his ground

  20. Distilled… meaning to heat a liquid until it becomes its gas form through heating, and then letting it cool to become it’s liquid form once again through condensation. It may also mean for drops of moisture to fall to appear in small quantities. It seems like one of those words that would mean to disturb something… although that is not the meaning of the word.

    by Rebecca Tingle on 10.01.2013
  21. There was whiskey distilled from the brains of the politicians, so that if an idea sucked away at the membrane long enough, it would become drunk and belch out fermented excuses for rebellion, calling it the “people’s choice,” when dozens of wads of Benjamin Franklin’s face proved otherwise when distributed to those with large enough suitcases.

    Journalists claimed that both sides were guilty, but this was not a game of fairness. It was a game that involved cheating, and one side was more adept at that than the other.

    by Belinda Roddie on 10.01.2013
  22. The supermarket door opens look on your list. What are you looking for. Thats it distilled water. Not any sort of water BUT distilled water.

  23. The blood distilled into the water, stretching out in great clouds as the body was dropped into the lake. Mariah, her face white as a sheet, stood clinging to her blanket, tears welling up in her eyes. “What are we gonna do?” She asked weakly. I looked up at her, a knot in my stomach. “I have no idea.”

    by Grace on 10.01.2013
  24. Fear flowed through her veins, distilled through her blood. Her feet pounded the ground, sliding on the damp leaves below. He could smell her: the anxiety and the horror that she knew was coming. His legs pumped, pushing him closer and closer to her.

  25. We distilled the water before drinking it, and before using it to cook. That’s what Daddy had taught us, when we were young and went on camping trips in the mountains. This was no camping trip — more like a run-and-live-or-stay-and-die trip, but his knowledge helped us all the same.

  26. You gave me the distilled version of you. Completely filtered – no actual remaining distinct chracteristics left. Just empy, vapid nothingness. I don’t want this. I want the dirty, impure you.

  27. The water was finally clean, after eight hours of waiting. The two of us took turns gulping it down, gasping for air ineffectively while trying to satisfy the seemingly unquenchable thirst. After four days with no water, it was the nectar of the gods, all we needed to keep going to try to find help, even if we had to search the rest of our numbered days. I looked at her voracious drinking, and in her eyes almost saw the hint of the grin I fell in love with five years ago.

  28. Distilled whiskey. Distilled thoughts. Distilled stories. ‘Dis still here.’ Distilled thoughts come to you too late. After an argument. After you’ve decided. Always after and rarely before you decide.

    by Paul Eveleigh on 10.01.2013
  29. The distilled water was cold, it made her toes wrinkle, much like small olives-as she called them. They didn’t look like olives, but that didnt’ matter.

    She pulled herself out of the water, and began to run.

  30. The cloudy mixture settled to the bottom, while the light clear liquid was at the top. It had finally distilled. The girl picked up the bottle and chugged it. She didn’t know what was going to happen but she was willing to take that risk. She fell to the floor, the bottle,e rolling away from her motionless hand.

    by Aubrey on 10.01.2013
  31. Distilled, it feels empty. All the nutrients, gone. All the yummy nutty bits at the bottom of the glass, sucked clean. That’s what distilled means, sucked clean of any taste or sensation or interest. It can kill a baby to drink distilled water. Can’t it? And yet there’s always a fat jug of it in the grocery baskets of fresh mothers.

    by Paige on 10.01.2013
  32. “My intentions are noble-”
    His face was not unkind but, still, his expression made him halt as surely as if he was scowling. “You know what they say, my lord,” he said, his voice weary. “‘This world’s greatest travesties are distilled from nothing but the noblest of intentions’,”
    Devlyn didn’t answer, his mouth forming a thin line before he turned on his heel and departed in a flurry of crimson silks and ill-contained irritation.
    “You quote the philosophers now?” I asked as he disappeared from sight.
    “When appropriate,” the wizard replied, his eyes still on the place my brother last stood.
    “And is this? Appropriate?” I questioned, looking up at our mentor with uncertain eyes.
    He sighed. “If there is a better time for such things, I’ve never known it,”

  33. “My intentions are noble-”
    His face was not unkind but, still, his expression made him halt as surely as if he was scowling. “You know what they say, my lord,” he said, his voice weary. “‘This world’s greatest travesties are caused by nothing but the noblest of intentions’,”
    Devlyn didn’t answer, his mouth forming a thin line before he turned on his heel and departed in a flurry of crimson silks and ill-contained irritation.
    “You quote the philosophers now?” I asked as he disappeared from sight.
    “When appropriate,” the wizard replied, his eyes still on the place my brother last stood.
    “And is this? Appropriate?” I questioned, looking up at our mentor with uncertain eyes.
    He sighed. “If there is a better time for such things, I’ve never known it,”

  34. I sat at the banquet, drinking a glass of champagne that was probably worth more than my outfit. I should have revered the moment: being at a party surrounded by the highest socialites in the city, but the liquid tasted distilled and did nothing to numb the depression that flooded my body.

  35. Distilled. Was his heart distilled. Was he there. Where did he come from. The land down under. Some foggy forest. I’m i love and I don’t care. Come to the fountain and drink of the water that will never dry. A heart fulfilled. Not distilled.

  36. I have turned a sour stomach to writing.It’s as if it has become meaningless.

  37. Water, what else is distilled? This is really hard. I saw her again. Maybe I could ask her for her notes. Wow she even made the top ten in our class.
    Our vocab words. Distilled. I know she can answer this easily. My kind of girl. Pretty and smart. I just hope she notice me.

  38. The distilled water was used for an assignment in chemistry class.
    Mary couldn’t focus on the distilled water in chemistry class.
    Mary couldn’t focus on much at all that day.
    She had just broken up with her boyfriend of two years, and her heart was, well, broken. Distilled water didn’t mean much to her when she had just found out he had cheated on her.

  39. “I think you shouldn’t drink it…”
    “It’s dangerous. You could even die from it.”
    “No, it’s not dangerous, silly. As long as it’s not the only thing you’re drinking, there is nothing wrong with drinking distilled water.”
    He drank it with a confident face, a face, that would turn blue seconds after.
    His glass laid shattered on the floor.
    “Well…” I smiled. “I poisoned it and even warned you. But you drank it eventually…”

    by on 10.01.2013
  40. The water they said was distilled. Whatever that means. I remember my friend telling me that distilled water was different from tap water or other type of water that once you drink it, it never comes out. I actually believed him for a few minutes, I was too busy trying to recall something about distilled water to even try and think about if what he said was true. I thought that yea maybe i did hear something about not being able to drink distilled water, and just when i thought i remembered something about my teacher telling me something about that, he was just like just kidding and i was left with my word sin my mouth. I had almost made myself a complete fool. I hate distilled water after that.

    by Manny on 10.01.2013